Monday, June 27, 2011

July 2011 Meeting

We had an amazing turnout for our first book club at Halley's! Those who read The Hunger Games seemed to really enjoy it. Remember, if you liked it, be sure to pick up the other two books in the series. If you didn't get a chance to read--do!! We might even think about having a Booky Boo field trip to see the movie when it comes out :) So after a beautiful night of wine and pizza rolls (and several updates from Kate on the Casey Anthony trial), we are ready to move full-speed ahead into our July book. The group has selected to read (or re-read for most of us) The Giver, by Lois Lowry. This is a classic most of us were required to read for middle school, but it has been so long that the group was interested in how we would interpret it today. Interestingly, The Giver has come under scrutiny because of some contraversial topics and even been as far as banned from some schools' curriculum. Without giving anything away, we can discuss why this might be at book club! The Giver is available used on for under $4 and at any other local bookstore. You can probably find it at used bookstores or Half Priced Books since it is so well-renouned. I got it on audio book on iTunes because I was driving to Omaha and it's only about 4.5 hours long unabridged (but it's more expensive than just buying the book!).

Our July meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd, at 6:30pm at Kate's condo located at:

4727 Jarboe #93 Kansas City, MO 64112

Happy Reading!!