Saturday, November 12, 2011

November and December Read-Only Book Club

We have decided to take a short hiatus from book club meetings for the holidays, but didn't want to leave you high-and-dry with nothing to indulge in! One of our members suggested the recently published biography of Steve Jobs (written by Walter Isaacson) for the holiday break. The book is long (656 pages to be exact; hence the two month time frame) but has raving reviews about the iconic intellectual who changed the world of what we now know as the iGeneration. Sounds to me like the perfect book to crack open after Thanksgiving dinner next to the fireplace!! Hope you all get a chance to read and we will resume club meetings in the new year at Jacque's house!! Happy Reading!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

November Book Club

Although several of our members were not able to make our October meeting, the show went on with the help of a homemade pot of chili and cornbread at Jessica's house. In lieu of a conversation about the book (which I, for one, really enjoyed!!), we watched both the Kardashian wedding and Jaden Vaughn walking, talking, and looking more like a toddler each day. He is so much fun!

The book pick for this month is Intern, by Sandeep Jauhar. This is a nonfiction memoir about a doctor's journey through residency.

Next month's book club will be at Jacque's house in Overland Park. I will update with time and date once November is upon us.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Easy-Share E-Books

For those of you who own an iPad, iPhone, Kindle, or Nook, there are some options out there for sharing or getting cheap e-books.

Lendle. me

Here you can lend and borrow e-books. For each book you already own and lend, you get to borrow 2 books for 2 weeks. You also get a $10 gift card once you lend 20 books.

eBook Fling

Here you can rent books for cheap for a two-week time period.

A ton of free (mostly classics) e-books that you can download onto your e-reader.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

October Book Club

Another successful book club was held in September and thanks to Miranda for opening her home to us!! For our October selection, we are switching gears to a darker genre of novel with She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Our October meeting will be held at Jessica's house at 1028 W. 41 St. Kansas City, MO 64111 on Thursday, October 13th at 6:30pm.

Hope to see you all then....happy reading!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

September 2011

Our next book club pick is Sex and the City, by Candace Bushnell. Who wouldn't want to relive the origianl story of a beloved TV show that only airs reruns and makes bad sequels? No excuse to not read this one, ladies.

We said goodbye to one of our beloved Booky-Boo original members, Brynn, tonight. She is off on her next adventure in life. Booky Boo will have to take a field trip to Denver, Colorado in the near future! Brynn, don't think you're off the hook, either! We expect you to skype us each month during our meetings.

Book club for September will be on Wednesday, September 7th at 6:30pm at Miranda's house. Her address is:

5111 Maple
Mission Kansas 66202

Until then....happy reading ladies!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

July 2011 Meeting

We had an amazing turnout for our first book club at Halley's! Those who read The Hunger Games seemed to really enjoy it. Remember, if you liked it, be sure to pick up the other two books in the series. If you didn't get a chance to read--do!! We might even think about having a Booky Boo field trip to see the movie when it comes out :) So after a beautiful night of wine and pizza rolls (and several updates from Kate on the Casey Anthony trial), we are ready to move full-speed ahead into our July book. The group has selected to read (or re-read for most of us) The Giver, by Lois Lowry. This is a classic most of us were required to read for middle school, but it has been so long that the group was interested in how we would interpret it today. Interestingly, The Giver has come under scrutiny because of some contraversial topics and even been as far as banned from some schools' curriculum. Without giving anything away, we can discuss why this might be at book club! The Giver is available used on for under $4 and at any other local bookstore. You can probably find it at used bookstores or Half Priced Books since it is so well-renouned. I got it on audio book on iTunes because I was driving to Omaha and it's only about 4.5 hours long unabridged (but it's more expensive than just buying the book!).

Our July meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd, at 6:30pm at Kate's condo located at:

4727 Jarboe #93 Kansas City, MO 64112

Happy Reading!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inaugural Book Club!

Welcome to Booky-Boo Book Club! We are very excited to commence this June and continue with our visits until all of us have either moved, given birth, lost our vision, developed an aversion to alcohol or all of the above. Sign up for the "Follow by Email" in the right margin of the screen and get updates for the book of the month right to your inbox!

We will meet Wednesday, June 22nd at Halley's house. Her address is:

631 E. 62 St.
Kansas City, MO 64110 (click here for directions)

She will have snacks and wine.
And here it is...the very first book selection, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. First of three in the series and soon-to-be motion picture. Buy a used copy from starting at around $5 or from Borders, Barnes and Noble, etc. for around $10. It is a suspensful read that you will not want to put down. Happy reading!!